MyBib eDoc® is mainly used in scientific libraries and digitisation departments of service providers and companies to enrich existing data, to link them and to achieve a clarity that allows efficient working with your own data records.
Mass Digitisation
In context of the mass digitisation several hundred up to many thousand pages are scanned daily. The aim is to bring logistical challenges in line with library requirements, such as
- Organisation of a workflow with many parties
- Integration of mass digitization into the “daily business”
- Complete workflow control
MyBib eDoc® is a control system that coordinates, controls and monitors all requirements and procedures in the context of mass digitization, for example
- Registration and documentation of scans processes and process dat
- Control of the digitisation process and the post-processing
- Monitoring of the returning procedure and the transmission of images and structure data for further use (possibly long-term archiving, among others)
Success Stories/User Reports
Collection and Retro Digitisation
Within the collection and retro digitisation MyBib eDoc® controls all processes of a structured and transparent image and full text digitisation.
In order to provide digital data for scientific use, to allow global access and to preserve endangered pieces for posterity, the requests from libraries and archives are considered as well as the DFG guidelines. For the presentation of digital collections MyBib eDoc® provides interfaces to the presentation systems (platforms) MyBib eL® and Kitodo (Goobi).
Catalogue Enrichment
In the context of catalogue enrichment MyBib eDoc®adds, in an automated procedure, further information to catalogue entries of a library catalogue. Catalogue enrichment is more than the regular descriptive and subject cataloguing because it includes for example the scanning of tables of contents and OCR.
No duplicates and avoiding duplication of work
The MyBib eDoc® workflow ensures amongst others a duplicate check, a data synchronization with the catalogue of the German National Library and the respective library system is initiated before the scan thus ensuring that no duplicates are scanned and integrated. The MyBib eDoc® statistics functions provides transparency about the respective production status and an overview of the scanned TOCs or registered pages and performed OCR. The contents are fully indexed because of the OCR processing.
The feeding of data into different catalogue systems and the Web OPAC facilitates a targeted and successful literature search and increases the visibility of the own library collections.
Success Stories/User Reports
Duplicates Check
The Approach
- This service provides libraries, which do not conduct catalogue enrichment, with the opportunity to enrich their own OPAC via searchable tables of contents.
- Libraries and / or networks can synchronize their OPAC with the central MyBib TOX® database to improve the quality of their own data set with additional tables of contents.
- The collaborative approach avoids duplication of work for catalogue enrichment.
The Basis
The basis for the availability and duplicate check is the central MyBib TOX® database. MyBib TOX® is updated daily and contains ca.
- 1.8 million scanned and searchable tables of contents for scientific titles (nearly all new scientific titles since 2005)
- 900,000 German-language titles
- 300,000 English-language titles
- 100,000 Spanish-language titles
- 300,000 other titles, spread across 25 languages
In specialized libraries and former special collections gray literature and conference papers were included in addition to the commercial publications. Thematic focus groups include Medicine, pharmacy, law and technology.
The Solution
The ISBN is used to check is the title already has a table of contents available.
If successful, it will be marked as a hit and is provided as part of the update service for the integration into the OPAC.
Benefits for libraries and Library networks
- avoiding duplication of work
- no duplicates due to integrated availability control (80% of all titles have already been scanned!)
- fully automatic process, only getting the title, putting the title back and scanning are “manual” activities
- solution available as a cloud service via library networks (momentarily only in Germany )
Stocking Presentation Systems with MyBib eDoc®
In addition to the production and delivery MyBib TOX® controls the publication of digital data in presentation systems such as MyBib eL® and Kitodo.presentation (Goobi). The data can then be processed so that it can also be integrated in other platforms, such as Europeana and DDB Digital Library, – of course while taking into account DFG requirements, such as generating METS/MODS format.